Image result for daenerys y dragones
Game of thrones it is a series that  many people know but i just discover it two years ago, in 2017.
That year I went to the beach with my friend and her family  for Winter holidays, the last night  of vacation was the premiere of the 7 season of GoT, my friend obviously wanted to see it because she is a great fun of that series,  so she explain me all the previous seasons in like 20 minutes. 
So, the first episode that i saw was the first episode of the 7 season, and i didn’t understand nothing at all, but i liked the trama and the characters. Thats how i started seeing all the seasons in 3 months, I was in classes so all the nights i saw 3 or 4 episodes of one hour each, it was crazy.
But now, this Sunday everything is going to end, is the last episode of the last season ever, and i don´t know what i´m going to do after that (looking for another serie i think)

PD: My favorite character is Dany, no matter what 


  1. wow!! Im watching the same series, i think is the best of the whole word !! love it <3

  2. My mom and my brother are watching that series, They are crazy with that! hahah

  3. I started to see GOT this year, and I finished the season 7 just right before the 8 started, lol.

  4. Dany deserves someting better than die :( I hope she don't die in the last episode!

  5. wooow I loved the last episode, kingslanding deserves what they get.

    Valar Morghulis


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